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seit 2 Monaten für ein Jahr in Deutschland und geht hier zur Schule um deutsch zu lernen. Hier folgt der Bericht von der „Gunvør XL“, den mein chinesischer „Gastbruder“ Gary geschrieben hat. Ich werde zur nächsten Ausgabe die Übersetzung auf deutsch schicken. Die ersten drei Fotos sind von Gary gemacht und die restlichen von Moritz Böök. 

Nobody knows when is this 7days party begin, because nobody remembers when is the first beer opened. Therefore, this article has no normal beginning as well. It was the happiest time when we were in Svendborg at the third day. The lovely and rich harbor almost had everything we wanted. I mean, lots of bars. After dinner, we went to the town to look for bars. Thanks to the three days alcohol exercise, I’ve finish the first cup of Rum in my life, there in the first bar. At about 11 o’clock, we’ve found another great bar with live music. That could be the greatest time for me during the whole journey. But we should stop here, because the greatest part should be at the end…


Little Gary looked really like a small kid at the first day, while it was the first day sailing in his life as well. I didn’t know what so-called sailing is, nor even know anything about the life on the sailing ship. I was really confused at the beginning; but after some beer, I realized that everything is just simple. When I’m happy, just say Prost, when I’m tired, just go to sleep, that easy. Everybody is allowed to do anything he wants to - as long as he doesn’t disturb others. As to sailing, everybody is not born to be a professional sailor, never mind a silly guy like me. I started to enjoy everything as soon as I realized this at the first night, which for me means the beginning of this party.


Somebody has told me that Asian people are not so good at drinking alcohols as the Europeans. It may be true, at least for me. At the first night, I could even hardly finish a single bottle of beer because I felt very full and dizzy. But then I start to get used to it since the second night when after I’ve drunk up a whole bottle. I start to find it happy. After a little bit drunk, I have more vitality to get along with so lots of foreigners, and even my English was much faster than before. I have made a lot of friends during the journey. They were very out-going, friendly, trying their best to talk everything also in English with me, without caring about whether I’m just a young foreign boy at all. I really like them!


Not only when at night, but also the daytime can be enjoyable. Some days when it was sunny, we could go out of the ship to enjoy the sun shine on the deck, with a blanket and, maybe a book. Sailing works were also interesting. When some situation was changing, the sailors would move up, pulling these ropes, or turning those handles. That’s quite a pity that I still haven’t figured out anything about how those plenty of ropes are working together. Probably I will try to learn something next time.


Yes, certainly there can be a next time, I’m really willing to, Even there are also some bad time. For example, outside the ship on the deck as well, it was actually more windy and freezing days than sunny days. At that time, we had to wear like polar bears, especially me who am afraid of cold very much. When this kind of weather, we could do nothing but only sitting and being in a trance. In addition, sea-sick was also a problem for me at the beginning. When it was very strong at the second day, I even didn’t bold to go to the toilet because I would low my head down! But what ever! Besides, the rest of the time was all enjoyable anyway. As to these little bit bad days, devil may care…On the opposite, I will never forget the night of the third day.


“The Biscuit Burners”, it’s the name of the band. No matter they are famous or not, they had given a wonderful performance at that night in a lovely club of Svendborg. The band from America is playing country music, so the violin and the guitar are absolutely necessary. The guitar player was simply a ranger, with unkempt long hair and beard. I couldn’t say anything, except cool to describe and appreciate his way of playing music. The violin player was a graceful girl with not long but beautiful hair. Her level of the violin was pretty good as well. Sometimes she also sang with very beautiful voice, intoxicating me for long because I was always listening to Peter Fox since the first day.


When the show went to the end, everyone was clapping and applauding, showing that they wanted the band to encore – as same as I wish the sailing could be once more.

And then, the cool guitar player yelled out, ”OK, one more song!”


Gary (16)


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